
Using SPSS Modeler’s cache_compression setting to speed up your modelling

There are a number of configuration settings associated with IBM SPSS Modeler Server that control its behaviour. The default settings aim to ensure that stream execution will complete successfully even if the host machine is being used by a number of other applications i.e. Modeler Server is trying to be a “good citizen”. However, if …

Using SPSS Modeler’s cache_compression setting to speed up your modelling Read More »

Expert insight: Inna Yordanova, Senior Researcher at IPSE

Inna Yordanova is Senior Researcher at IPSE – the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed. IPSE is the largest organisation representing freelancers and self-employed people. Its 78,000 members are freelancers, contractors, consultants and other self-employed people from all sectors of the economy. Lorna: Can you start off then just by telling me a little …

Expert insight: Inna Yordanova, Senior Researcher at IPSE Read More »

Expert insight – Adam O’Shaughnessy, SBD Automotive

Through independent research, evaluation and strategic consulting support, SBD Automotive helps vehicle manufacturers and their partners create autonomous, more secure and better connected cars. Adam O’Shaughnessy is a Senior Specialist – Connected Car.  Lorna: Can you tell me a little bit about your background and how you’ve come to be working with data and statistics …

Expert insight – Adam O’Shaughnessy, SBD Automotive Read More »

Expert insight: Rob Woods, Analytics Solution Architect/Data Scientist, Watson FSS

Rob Woods has worked in the analytics industry for over 20 years. He’s currently an Analytics Solutions Architect working on IBM’s Watson FSS suite of products. All views here are his own and not IBM’s. Describe your own background and how you came to be working with statistics / data / analytics I started as …

Expert insight: Rob Woods, Analytics Solution Architect/Data Scientist, Watson FSS Read More »

Regular Expressions for IBM SPSS Modeler: performance comparison

The Regular Expressions for IBM SPSS Modeler node pack provides 4 nodes that integrate the power and flexibility of regular expression pattern matching into SPSS Modeler. However, some of these capabilities can be supported using the extension nodes built into SPSS Modeler and that begs the question – why buy the Regular Expression nodes? One …

Regular Expressions for IBM SPSS Modeler: performance comparison Read More »

Thinking of using spreadsheets for advanced analytics? Think again.

When we’re talking to potential clients about advanced analytics we often ask them what tools they’re currently using. More often than not they say they’re using spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are one of the most widely used tools for statistical analysis and of course, most businesses couldn’t run without them. However, when it comes to advanced analytics …

Thinking of using spreadsheets for advanced analytics? Think again. Read More »

Expert insight – Paul Jackson, Head of Advanced Analytics, Bonamy Finch

Can you tell us a bit about yourself, your background and how you came to be where you are career-wise? I started my career in 2001 at Research International’s Marketing Science Centre, following a degree in Sociology and Social Policy. Back then I was working mainly on analysis of market research surveys. Over time I …

Expert insight – Paul Jackson, Head of Advanced Analytics, Bonamy Finch Read More »

5 key trends affecting technical training provision in predictive analytics

I have been in the business of delivering software applications and solutions that have advanced and predictive analytics at their core, in one form or another, for last 25 years. In a recent conversation with colleagues we were discussing how the wider market has changed and, more specifically, how this has affected the way that …

5 key trends affecting technical training provision in predictive analytics Read More »

Expert insight – Matt Harrop, Head of Yield Management and Analytics, Ladbrokes Coral Ltd

What’s your background? How did you come to be working in analytics? I came from an accounting background and then moved into retail where I worked across a variety of teams in finance, marketing analytics and strategy for various different retailers. I then left that to join a consultancy working with loyalty card data. I …

Expert insight – Matt Harrop, Head of Yield Management and Analytics, Ladbrokes Coral Ltd Read More »

7 things you need to know about key driver analysis (KDA)

In most businesses it’s not enough to simply be measuring outcomes like customer satisfaction, sales, customer churn rates, subscription renewals, customer loyalty, cancellation rates and so on. To gain competitive advantage you also need to know what’s driving those outcomes. Which aspects of the service you provide most influence how likely someone is to renew …

7 things you need to know about key driver analysis (KDA) Read More »

The benefits of survey research and how online platforms can make the research process more efficient and effective

Surveys remain one of the most popular forms of market research, and consequently we regularly work with customers on large survey-based market research projects. Most commonly this is customer satisfaction surveys, and these can be one of the most valuable forms of data that a company has. We also have clients who conduct broader market …

The benefits of survey research and how online platforms can make the research process more efficient and effective Read More »

How to ensure advanced analytics gives you a concrete competitive advantage

Most companies these days are aware of the potential value that advanced analytics could offer them. Lots of people are talking the talk of advanced analytics, hiring data scientists and investing in sophisticated analytics technologies. But these things on their own aren’t going to give you the competitive advantage that you’re hoping for. It’s not …

How to ensure advanced analytics gives you a concrete competitive advantage Read More »

How alternative interfaces can help you get more out of R

Contemporary analytical platforms like SPSS and SAS represent the some of the earliest and yet longest-lived examples of proprietary software in the industry. When we think of the tectonic shifts the technology landscape has witnessed in last four decades, through the mainframe era, the rise of the PC, browser wars, the dotcom bubble, the smartphone …

How alternative interfaces can help you get more out of R Read More »

Why R can be hard to learn

Many of the analysts we speak to are being pushed over to R, primarily because it’s open source and therefore a free alternative to commercial data analytics packages for which the costs can sometimes run into tens of thousands of pounds (or more). However, even experienced analysts often find that getting to grips with R …

Why R can be hard to learn Read More »

What’s the difference between business intelligence and predictive analytics?

It’s not uncommon to talk to potential clients who consider themselves to already be very much data-driven in the way that they operate. However it’s very rare to find a potential client that truly is exploiting the full potential of the data that they hold. That’s because companies often confuse business intelligence with predictive analytics, …

What’s the difference between business intelligence and predictive analytics? Read More »

How repeatable application templates will maximise the effectiveness of your first predictive analytics project

As we help our clients get up and running with the predictive analytics tools and skills they need, we see some trends emerging in terms of the kind of applications for which clients tend to use predictive analytics most commonly. These are what we call ‘repeatable application templates’. In my previous post I outlined the 4 …

How repeatable application templates will maximise the effectiveness of your first predictive analytics project Read More »

Four reasons why getting started with predictive analytics is simpler than you think

We spend a great deal of our time at Smart Vision helping our clients to establish the use of predictive analytics in their business. For many organisations, getting started with predictive analytics can feel like a real departure from more traditional and familiar areas of activity. That said, organisations in almost every industry sector are becoming …

Four reasons why getting started with predictive analytics is simpler than you think Read More »

Understanding what drives your net promoter score – how data science can help

The concept of the net promoter score was introduced to the world in Frederick Reichheld’s seminal Harvard Business Review article The One Number You Need to Grow in 2003. Reichheld’s research led him to believe that there was a deep and intrinsic link between profitable growth and customer loyalty. Two years of research revealed that, for most industries, …

Understanding what drives your net promoter score – how data science can help Read More »

Data science projects – what skills do you need and where can you get them from?

Data science is on the rise. A couple of years back Harvard Business Review suggested that ‘data scientist’ is the sexiest job title of the twenty first century and the hype around data science shows no sign of abating. The term ‘data scientist’ itself was only coined in 2008 but since then the number of data …

Data science projects – what skills do you need and where can you get them from? Read More »

10 reasons why your organisation is ready for prescriptive analytics

Prescriptive analytics is a relatively recent development beyond the broader disciplines of predictive analytics and data science. In this blog post I want to explain a bit about what it is and discuss why I think many organisations are already on the road to using it, without even knowing it. Prescriptive analytics is the third …

10 reasons why your organisation is ready for prescriptive analytics Read More »

How can predictive analytics help retailers weather the economic storm?

In this blog post I’m going to suggest  some ways in which predictive analytics can help retailers weather the economic storm they’re currently facing. The UK’s battered retail sector has been enduring an ongoing perfect storm following the financial crisis of 2007 / 2008.  The government would like us to believe that things are much better …

How can predictive analytics help retailers weather the economic storm? Read More »

The widening analytics skills gap – how much of a problem is it?

It’s well known that there’s a growing skills gap in the area of analytics. As organisations are waking up to value contained within their data, so demand for statisticians, data scientists and analyst grows. It’s great that so many organisations are realising the power of analytics and the competitive edge that it can give them. But …

The widening analytics skills gap – how much of a problem is it? Read More »

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