What is in each SPSS Statistics module?

Click on each link below to find out more about which procedures and functions are in each SPSS module. SPSS Statistics Base Advanced Statistics AMOS Bootstrapping Categories Complex Samples Conjoint Custom Tables Data Preparation Decision Trees Direct Marketing Exact Tests Forecasting Missing Values Neural Networks Regression SPSS subscriptions SPSS bundles

What functionality has been added to SPSS over the last few versions?

What’s new in SPSS version 27? Correlations output now includes the ability to show only the lower triangle of values, suppress the diagonal coefficients and calculate confidence intervals. One-Sample, Independent-Samples and Paired-SamplesProportionTests have been added to the base system. McDonald’sOmega has been added to the suite of reliability analysis procedures. RestorePoint functionality that saves data …

What functionality has been added to SPSS over the last few versions? Read More »

What’s new in SPSS v28?

IBM is about to release the latest version of SPSS Statistics. Here’s a summary of some of the new enhancements that existing users can look forward to. Meta-analysis Meta-analysis is a well-established analytical approach that combines the results from a range of studies with a view to estimating the effect size of the treatment in question. …

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What is the difference between the various types of statistical models?

The real world, whether it be the physical world, for example machines, or the natural world, for example human and animal behaviour, is very complex with many factors, some unknown, determining their behaviour and responses to interventions. Even if every contributory factor to a phenomenon is known, it is unrealistic to expect that the unique …

What is the difference between the various types of statistical models? Read More »

How can I activate my SPSS license on a machine without internet access?

From time to time we come across IBM SPSS Statistics or Modeler customers who need to install the product on a computer without internet access, or who have a firewall that is preventing the License Activation Wizard from working. It is still possible to install your software in this situation – simply follow the instructions …

How can I activate my SPSS license on a machine without internet access? Read More »

What’s the difference between the various SPSS license types?

IBM SPSS Advanced Analytical Products, including IBM SPSS Statistics and IBM SPSS Modeler, can be implemented and licensed in different ways.  How your organisation invests in, licenses and implements these tools will depend on its requirements.  This page explains and compares the options, or you can watch the quick video guide below. Licence length or term …

What’s the difference between the various SPSS license types? Read More »

How to merge files in SPSS Statistics

In this video Jarlath Quinn demonstrates how to merge data files within SPSS Statistics using each of the two main methods, either adding cases (combining files with the same fields but additional rows) or adding variables (combining files by joining variables to a target file using something like an ID field as a ‘keyed variable’).

How to select cases in SPSS Statistics

In this video Jarlath Quinn demonstrates how to use SPSS Statistics to define data filters in order to select particular cases for analysis. This can be done either to create a temporary selection or to create a permanent new file with only a subsection of cases included within it.

How to reverse a scale in SPSS Statistics

In this video Jarlath Quinn demonstrates how to reverse the values of a rating scale (such as an agreement scale or a satisfaction scale) in SPSS Statistics, so that the highest value becomes the lowest value and vice versa.

How to combine variables in SPSS Statistics

SPSS users often want to know how they can combine variables together. In this video Jarlath Quinn demonstrates how to use the compute procedure to calculate the mean of a number of variables to create one combined variable, and also how to use the count values procedure to count how many times a particular value occurs across a series of variables in order to create an overall count.

How to change the defaults in SPSS Statistics

SPSS enables quite a high level of customisation so you can set up the software in a way that enables you to be a lot more productive, however many people are unaware of just how powerful these customisation options are. In this video we explore the options edit menu.

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