This page provides a one stop shop for all the resources on our site that relate to the topic of significance testing. We have white papers, blog posts, video guides and webinars – both live and on demand.

A guide to efficient and effective tenant satisfaction measurement
In this white paper we briefly describe the tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) and tenant survey
requirements (TSRs). We then illustrate the reality of the data preparation and analysis that is involved so TSM can be properly implemented to enable the desired organisational behaviours and tenant

Performing tests of significance
A video guide to performing tests of significance in the SPSS Custom Tables module.

Understanding significance testing
This white paper provides an overview of significance testing – one of the most commonly used but also most frequently misunderstood terms in statistics and data analysis.

How to interpret significance tests
What do so called ‘significance tests’ signify? Watch this on demand webinar to find out more.

What is a Chi Square test and when would you use it?
The chi-squared test is used to examine differences with between fields with different categories and to determine whether those differences are significant.

Making sense of significance tests
A worked example of a classic inferential statistical procedure: the independent samples t-test.