Analytics for retail

How can predictive analytics help retailers weather the economic storm?

In this blog post I’m going to suggest  some ways in which predictive analytics can help retailers weather the economic storm they’re currently facing. The UK’s battered retail sector has been enduring an ongoing perfect storm following the financial crisis of 2007 / 2008.  The government would like us to believe that things are much better …

How can predictive analytics help retailers weather the economic storm? Read More »

What do your customers care about most? Using key driver analysis to find out.

After basic significance tests, T-tests, Z-tests and so on, key drivers analysis (KDA) is probably the second most popular statistically-based technique in market research. Given an outcome of interest a KDA gives us a measure of the relative importance of a set of attributes (potential drivers).Typical outcomes of interest in research are: Satisfaction – customer, employee etc. Purchase intent – how …

What do your customers care about most? Using key driver analysis to find out. Read More »

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