Geospatial analytics with IBM SPSS Modeler

Organisations in every industry are turning to new data types and new forms of analysis to remain competitive. Advancements in geospatial analytics are rapidly transforming science, society and decision-making. Geospatial data, also referred to as location data or spatial data, enables businesses to add the context of time and location to traditional data, so they can see changes over time and exactly where those changes are taking place. Geospatial data can provide answers not found in charts or tables and can be instrumental in helping organisations answer critical questions such as:

• What are customers buying and where are they buying it?
• What infectious diseases are on the rise?
• Where are high unemployment or crime rates?
• Who are your competitors and where are they located?

This white paper provides an overview of geospatial analytics and why it is important to organisations seeking deeper insights about their business, customers or constituents.
It then describes the geospatial analytics capabilities offered in IBM SPSS Modeler, and how these capabilities can enhance predictive models by augmenting traditional forms
of business data with time and location-based intelligence.

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