CRISP-DM methodology

What do we mean when we talk about data modelling? An overview of different types of models

The real world, whether it be the physical world, for example machines, or the natural world, for example human and animal behaviour, is very complex with many factors, some unknown, determining their behaviour and responses to interventions. Even if every contributory factor to a phenomenon is known, it is unrealistic to expect that the unique …

What do we mean when we talk about data modelling? An overview of different types of models Read More »

Deployment of analytics – a great example of the Anna Karenina principle?

The Anna Karenina principle describes an endeavour in which a deficiency in any one of a number of factors dooms it to failure. Consequently, a successful endeavour (subject to this principle) is one where every possible deficiency has been avoided. The name of the principle derives from Leo Tolstoy's book Anna Karenina, which begins “Happy …

Deployment of analytics – a great example of the Anna Karenina principle? Read More »

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